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Aug 03, 2023

Your Video Should Be a Dialog

David Seaver Video today, and corporate content generally, is typically a monologue at an imagined ...more

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Jul 12, 2023

Drive Engagement with Detailed Video Analytics

Poonam Murgai In my previous post, Is Marketing Automation up to the challenge of Video  I mad...more

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Jul 11, 2023

Being Smart About AI

David Seaver Recent Advances in AI Unless you’ve been hiding in a damp log for the past se...more

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Jun 22, 2023

Is Marketing Automation Up To The Challenge Of Video?

Poonam Murgai Marketing Automation has been around for over twenty years and has gained wide adopti...more

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Jun 21, 2023

You Need Better Video Marketing Analytics

David Seaver According to the last annual survey from Wyzowl, “63% of video marketers say tha...more

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Jun 08, 2023

Is Video Marketing Having its iPhone Moment?

Poonam Murgai You may be missing out on better ways to do video marketing, read on to see why "P...more

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Jun 08, 2023

Making Common Video Marketing Pages More Effective

David Seaver According to Wyzowl, 79% of people said that watching a video has convinced them to bu...more

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Jun 08, 2023

Add "Smart" Chapters To Your YouTube video

Sunil Mehta Why Read This If you’re a content marketing or strategy professional this post i...more

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May 24, 2023

Is it enough to just embed a YouTube video?

It is now well known that video is an important part of your content marketing strategy.  But i...more

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May 10, 2023

5 Reasons You Need To Use Video Chapters

And how to make video chapters better!  You already know that video chapters are an important ...more

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May 04, 2023

Turbocharge your SEO with fast embedded video

Who should read this This post is aimed at SEO and content marketing professionals who need to demo...more

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Jan 03, 2023

Why Add Calls To Action To Your Customer Onboarding Video

Every customer success professional knows that if you successfully onboard your customers and get ...more

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Sep 08, 2022

Invest in Engines, not Tools

A recent piece by Gartner said that organizations should invest in “Invest in predictive and aut...more

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Aug 04, 2022

Medium posters can now post topic-driven videos

For all of you who post on Medium â€" we have news! If you add video to your posts, you can now ad...more

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Jul 14, 2022

Why video doesn't drive engagement

Most content on the web invites engagement. Except video. We've gotten used to consuming video lik...more

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Jun 23, 2022

Your video gets thousands of views. So what?

Rude question, right? I just spoke with someone whose video got over a half million views. Did they ...more

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Jun 08, 2022

Boost Video Engagement with Topics

Have you ever come across a video that looks interesting, but then you see it’s way too long and...more

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Feb 17, 2022

How CloudBrigade Turned Webinar Replay into a Leadgen Engine

CloudBrigade is using AudienceGraph to generate leads for their Artificial Intelligence consulting...more

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Jan 18, 2022

Showcase: Boys and Girls Club

We're showcasing a video on the work that the Boys & Girls Clubs of America is doing to help young...more

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Jan 17, 2022

Showcase: Women Veterans Alliance

We're showcasing a video that guides veterans through accessing their VA benefits. Watch here M...more

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Jan 16, 2022

Showcase: Afghan Refugee Resettlement

We're showcasing this video on organizations assisting in Afghan refugee resettlement. Watch her...more