Your video gets thousands of views. So what?

Jun 23, 2022

Rude question, right? I just spoke with someone whose video got over a half million views. Did they get any leads from that? Nope. If you spent money and time to create a video, you should see a return from it. You want revenue from new or existing customers. There are several ways to do this, depending on the platform you’re using. On YouTube, you can add call to action (CTA) cards at various points in your video. Most of these cards are designed to keep viewers watching your videos on YouTube, of course. If you qualify for monetization, and not everyone does, you can use a link card to drive traffic to your website. You can also insert CTAs and offers into your video summary. Most commercial video hosting platforms provide similar, and sometimes better, capabilities. However, on every video platform we’ve examined, every viewer gets offered the same set of CTAs, no matter who they are or how they watch. If they get to a certain point in your video, they see a particular CTA. Wouldn’t you want to offer different CTAs to different viewers, based on where they are in their journey? Surely someone who has viewed the pricing or deployment section of your product video deserves different treatment than an information seeker who’s spent all of their time on the overview and benefits sections. There is a “small” problem though. You have no way of knowing what parts of your video your viewers are watching. You get numbers for viewers and time viewed, but you can’t find out who watched what. So you can’t offer them the CTAs that they are most likely to respond to.. To make your videos more effective, watch this page for more tips or reach out to us at AudienceGraph and find out how to make every video you create into a growth machine for your business!

About AudienceGraph

AudienceGraph transforms your video from passive content to a revenue engine that engages every viewer on topics that matter to them right now. Its AI engine works in real time across millions of viewers to optimize engagement and drive revenue.

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