Making Common Video Marketing Pages More Effective

Jun 08, 2023

David Seaver

According to Wyzowl, 79% of people said that watching a video has convinced them to buy software or apps. Audiences appreciate videos, and any business website should optimize video marketing to use them as effectively as possible. Let’s look at five common types of video marketing pages used today.

  1. Webinars
  2. Product or Service Demos
  3. Landing Pages
  4. Product Pages
  5. Onboarding Pages


Webinars bring your audience up to date and allow you to bring in people from outside your company, which can add credibility. They can and should help build brand awareness. But they can often be unfocused and poorly paced. “That webinar should have been longer” may be a contender for the least-used phrase in English. And after the webinar goes out, too many companies treat it as “dead stock.” It’s on a page on your site, but expectations are low. 

But there are ways to improve the return on investment in your webinars, and make the web pages you put them on more effective for you, and useful for your audience. Start by adding chapters to the video recording. This is the basis for the next steps, so don’t sleep on it. Use meaningful titles, so users can skip to the content they want to watch, or even re-watch. 

Ensure that you track what topics get watched the most, and not only the number of video views. This will give you the information you need to plan better webinars with topics that appeal to your target audience. We’ll look at how to do that later in this post. If you also attach calls to action to specific chapters, webinars can have a whole new place in your video marketing process. 

Product or Service Demos

36% of marketers created product demo videos in 2022, from Wyzowl. We expect that number to rise this year. Demo videos let you show your audience how  easy your product is to use, and why it matters to them.

Unfortunately, many of these still end with dynamic messages like “So call us and talk to a sales representative.” We recommend using specific calls to action and including these at appropriate points in the video, not just in the video description or the page text. Keep in mind that a good video tends to monopolize viewer attention, so you need to talk to them there. And if, like many of us, you are on a product-led growth path, telling people to contact a representative is not in anyone’s best interest.

Remember that your CTAs can include offers, because your viewers might be ready to purchase from you right now. Make this process as easy as possible while you create your video marketing campaigns.

Landing Pages

Landing page videos have a lot of advantages for marketers. They can be a confluence of your SEO, content, and product efforts. Landing pages can bring you everything from leads or sales to better video marketing analytics. Effective landing pages also get placed well by search engines.

Embedding video on a web page helps you to interact better with your viewers and also collect more information, as we’ll get to later. Also, remember that when you create chapters for a landing page video, the titles should boost that keyword list your team sweated over.

But like any page with an embedded video, they can also lose a lot of SEO value. Slow loading speeds and missing VideoObject data can harm your page’s placement. Use a modern embedding solution that automates best practices with every video.

Product Pages

Product pages are an opportunity to provide focused information to a specific audience. They are often more sales-focused than landing pages or demo pages. So raising the conversion rate with the right kind of video has to be part of your plan. Don’t just stick SKUs and order links on a page and call it a day.

A good product-page video has to anticipate and answer questions the viewer might have. Your Sales and Support teams are your lifeline when you put these together, and if you do your homework, you can really meet or exceed viewer expectations in a few short chapters. 

As always, please use titles that your audience can work with, and include appropriately-timed calls to action.

Onboarding Pages

Onboarding pages and their videos are often viewed as a sort of nice, optional extras. Instead, they are opportunities to generate future revenue. Helping people to start using your products or services effectively is never a waste of time. User goodwill might be hard to measure directly, but it can be your best edge over the competition.

And of course, every time your users make any sort of contact with you is an opportunity to reach back out to them. One hallmark of a successful business is that most of your sales come from existing customers. Sales into established accounts are less costly and more productive than trying to create new sales accounts. And viewers of onboarding pages are almost always from existing or new customers.

Adding value to your onboarding pages and videos can be easy. Consider how you can include contextually-appropriate links to manuals and other information. Offer to connect them to a chat or call with a subject-matter expert from your company.

If your system can see which chapters of your video someone returns to, it can offer them help with that exact topic. That creates a better user experience, and we can show you how to do it. 

Get Started Today

Where can you find these useful per-chapter video analytics, context-based calls to action, improved SEO, and all the other good ideas you just read about? AudienceGraph has spent the past few years building all of these features. 

We can help you get started with video chapters, even if your video hosting platform doesn’t support them well, or at all. AudienceGraph lets you add CTAs to each chapter, including special purchase offers, chat or contact links, document links, and even automated behavior-based offers! AudienceGraph not only gives you per-chapter analytics, but other audience insights as well. We want everyone to get to the next level in video marketing success, as an end-to-end process.

Start with our Onramp page at and try it for free. When you are ready to move forward, we offer  paid plans to suit every scale of use.

David Seaver is a co-founder and the Director of Design at Graph, Inc. LinkedIn logo

About AudienceGraph

AudienceGraph transforms your video from passive content to a revenue engine that engages every viewer on topics that matter to them right now. Its AI engine works in real time across millions of viewers to optimize engagement and drive revenue.

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