traceable hero

One Platform
To Secure Every API

Discover, protect, and test all your APIs with Traceable

Industry Leaders Trust Traceable

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The Traceable Advantage

Contextual API Security

Omnitrace-engine background

Powered by Traceable’s OmniTrace Engine

OmniTrace EngineTM

Powers the Traceable API Security Platform and made up of STITCH and SAVANT that together collect, correlate, build context, and analyze your API environment.


Consumes context-rich data and performs analysis  and applies contextual policies to power all of the traceable platforms use cases.


STITCH ingests, normalizes, and unifies data to deliver actionable insights, analytics, and operational efficiencies via context-rich data.

engineomnitrace engine

The engine that makes all processes possible

OmniTrace is the engine that powers the Traceable API Security Platform. OmniTrace is made up of STITCH and Savant that together collect, correlate, build context, and analyze your API environment. OmniTrace provides discovery, visibility, detection of malicious behavior, and provides active protection for your APIs.

✓  Unparalleled scale performance

✓  Fine-grain security outcomes prevention

✓  Incomparable remediation & pre-production testing

OmniTrace Engine

Lightning fast data correlation and security graphs

OmniTrace STITCH simply ingests, normalizes, and unifies data across enterprise security and business systems to deliver actionable insights, analytics, and operational efficiencies.

✓  User & Identity Context

✓  Data Collection & Correlation

✓  Robust API Security Graph

OmniTrace STITCH

Contextual policies for Traceable platform use cases

OmniTrace SAVANT  uses contextual data to perform multi-vector analysis and prediction, to then apply contextual policies to discover previously unknown APIs, detect anomalous and suspicious patterns, as well as uncover unknown vulnerabilities and threats.

✓ Contextual Policy Engine

✓ Temporal Analysis

✓ API Intelligence Model

✓ Business Logic & Behavioral Analysis

OmniTrace SAVANT
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Security teams trust Traceable

See Traceable in Action

Learn how to elevate your API security today.