Feb 25, 2025
Visitors to your website are not following the customer journey you’ve planned for them. They’re following their own journey! It's not anything you did, though. It’s a direct consequence of how we find information now. Customer journeys look more like Brownian motion over weeks and months rather than the path you so clearly laid out. And, if you’re a content or demand gen professional, this doesn't help you figure out who’s most likely to convert.
Is it time to take the bull by the horns? If your visitors won’t follow your customer journey, then track theirs! No two journeys are exactly the same, so you have to track each one.
Doesn’t Google Analytics do this? The first challenge with GA is that it tracks pages. Most pages, especially your home page, discuss more than one topic, so data from GA gives you a “blurred” look at the customer journey. The second challenge is that it gives you aggregate analytics. If you can’t track individual journeys, you can’t act on them.
Wouldn’t you rather know whether a visitor is interested in one of your products, or is just learning? Isn’t it important to know who’s looked at the onboarding section or the pricing section? And if you had this information, wouldn’t it provide a clear indication of the viewer’s intent? Yes and yes.
Can you do this today? Again the answer is yes. LLMs and GenAI and a wee bit of our secret sauce make this possible. You can also get a clear reading of viewer intent and then engage them - right now, while they’re on your site. We built the AI that does this today and the results are nothing short of astonishing. Graph AI enables you to engage with visitors on the topics that interest them - and we’re seeing a 5X uplift in conversions!
I wish I could ask you to comment with “journey” on LinkedIn so you can see how to do this yourself :) But it took us a bit more heavy lifting than a clever prompt or simple workflow to build this. However, I am glad to tell you how you can tap into this. DM me on LinkedIn and I’ll tell you how.
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